Thursday, 19 February 2009


so, apparently the closing date for applications to the medical physics development course was on the 13th of feb. and also, apparently, it's really competitive with many more applicants than places. many of whom will be better qualified, with experience in hospitals and SOME CLEAR IDEA OF THEIR CAREER PATH! But it doesn't matter anyway, does it? because i missed the application. i give up. i'll just settle for some crappy job that pays the bills but doesn't fulfill, cus apparently thats too much to ask.


Susie said...

ohh mate, that's a massive-ass bum. bummy assy ass massive bum ass bum.

i wish i could say something more consturctive, helpful or consoling; butt it's half term and unfortunaly that means my head is only filled with synonyms for bottom. (go back about 15 words and see what i did with the but/butt thing, it's actually quite clever).
love you like electrophiles love electron-rich centres such as an alkene double bond.

Levi_grafted_in said...

no, that's one of the more helpful comments i've got back, actually- i know full well i can re-apply next year, and it's probably for the best and all that, but it's not really what i want to hear- i just want someone to say, "yes matt, thats pants. i feel ur pain." thank you soozie :-) love you like anions love cations. xx