Often my direction comes from those who have gone before me, but I tend not to recognise the pain with which the first one made the trail when it seems so well worn to my feet. The first man to walk this road deserves my gratitude and honour- for showing the way, despite the pain it caused to walk the narrow path.
I have just sent my daughter off to uni this Sunday. It is wonderful to know that young people studying still have a desire to serve christ.
My prayer for you as a mother is that you will by Gods grace accomplish the purpose of preaching christ crusified with other students in whatever way God directs you to.
Enjoy the journey so that whatesoever happens in your life you like Job can say though he may slay me, I will trust him. He will never fail you. Go ahead and be the success God created you to beshi
Thank you for that encouragement- staying firm in faith while at uni does require a fairly stubborn person :-) by His grace, I've been able to continue to see Him. If i may, i'd like to offer a prayer "in return"- Lord grant by your grace that this young girl maintains her gaze steadfastly upon you amongst the deafening noise of uni life. Keep her close to your Fathers heart, and grant comfort and peace in your sovereignty to her parents at this stage of transition.
May God be ever closer to you in your walk each day, and give you a special knowledge of His peace amongst the change and turmoil of this crazy old world.
Thanks for the comment :-)
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