"Those who believe that they believe in God, but without passion in their hearts, without anguish in their mind, without uncertainty, without doubt, without an element of despair even in their consolation, believe only in the God idea, not God Himself."- Miguel de Unamuno
I have a confession to make, when you first wrote your small trilogy on forgiveness, i didn't really read it very carefully; in fact, i didn't really understand it, nor did i make any particuar effort to.
However, as i read them back now, they are some of the most heart juddering and relevant words i have read in a long time (at least, since that passage in the bible notes i showed you in nero, which clearly turned out to be a load of bollocks anyway...).
I would love to thank you for the blogs, and tell you i really appreciate them, but actually they terrify me a little bit; mainly because, like you said, right now i am a little too afraid of being seen as a pushover to do any of the forgiving i know i should and deep down i want to do.
None the less, reading these blogs has convinced me that i am going to have to get round to forgiving at some point; sitting around being angry/upset/without a friend just isn't the way to go.
It was lovely to see you today, hope to speak soon.
love xxx
Hey soooz i'm glad that i'm not the only one who struggles with forgiveness- its really flippin tough. Sometimes letting go is just too painful and we have to give it some time. Don't worry about the timing- just recognising- i'm gonna have to do this at some point is a good place to start. Give it time- it certainly took me ages. Was lovely seeing you too sweets:-D take care.
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